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Fundamentals of Astronautics at Florida Tech

AST 101 ‘Fundamentals of Astronautics’ provides full IIAS membership and access to all IIAS courses and certifications. It provides both fundamental training as well as an evaluation of the candidate's suitability to advanced study.


AST 101 ‘Fundamentals of Astronautics’ introduces the student to scientific human spaceflight as a systemic problem. Specifically, AST 101 introduces the student to the design and training aspects integral to noctilucent cloud tomography on suborbital commercial space vehicles in support of Project PoSSUM. AST 101 will provide the principles of the PoSSUM Program and gain a general understanding of the mesosphere, noctilucent cloud dynamics, observational methods and history, noctilucent cloud structures, aerospace physiology, and life support systems relevant to suborbital flight.

AST 101 includes a fully-immersive program that provides the skills required to effectively conduct research on the next generation of commercial space vehicles as part of Project PoSSUM. Designed and instructed by former NASA astronaut instructors and PoSSUM team scientists, AST 101 also serves as a prerequisite to many other courses offered through the IIAS by introducing key training elements. AST 101 is a pre-requisite for enrollment into all citizen-science courses administered by the IIAS including AER 103, BIO 103, BIO 104, EVA 104, and OPS 104. IIAS Credit will be granted for AST 101 for either of the two programs administered in partnership with Project PoSSUM which may be used towards the Applied Astronautics Credential.


AST 101 exceeds the standards established for flight crew as part of FAR § 460.5(b) for the PoSSUM researcher. Specifically, that the researcher will “demonstrate an ability to withstand the stresses of space flight, which may include high acceleration or deceleration, microgravity, and vibration, in sufficient condition to safely carry out his or her duties.” For noctilucent cloud tomography missions, the PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut duties include effective operation of the PoSSUMCam system, real-time identification of noctilucent cloud micro-features of greatest scientific interest, real-time optimization of camera settings at cloud altitudes, proper use of crew resource management techniques to assure proper vehicle attitude at all times during the mission, and the effective activation of MCAT and MASS instruments at cloud altitudes. Duties for other PoSSUM research missions are determined as missions are conceived.


AST 101 is administered through three-weeks of webinar and self-study followed by a one-week intensive program held at Florida Tech in Melbourne, FL. Upon completion, AST 101 graduates are certified as 'PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidate Program Graduates" (if the student holds a qualifying STEM degree) or as a "Advanced PoSSUM Academy Graduate" (otherwise). AST 101 provide the following academic and training elements:

All AST 101 Students Receive:
  • Three weeks of preparatory webinars (online)
  • Five days of instruction and training sessions (in Melbourne, Florida)
  • Mission simulation and Crew Resource Management Training in the IIAS Suborbital Spaceflight Simulator
  • High-G and microgravity aerospace physiology flight using an Extra 300L aerobatic aircraft
  • Anti-G garment and AGSM training
  • High-altitude hypoxia awareness training in an altitude chamber, including hypoxia awareness training
  • Initial Spacesuit Training (don, doff, regulating pressure, basic mobility, fine motor skills, flight system control, contingency operations)
  • Individualized instruction on PoSSUMCam and scientific video camera systems
  • Full mission simulation of PoSSUM’s Noctilucent Cloud Tomography Experiment using PoSSUMCam in a pressurized space suit
  • ‘Fundamentals of Astronautics’ Manual
  • Welcome reception
  • Keynote talk(s) from industry expert(s)
  • Comprehensive assessment
  • IIAS T-shirt and student guide
  • Graduation certificate and silver-plated pin
PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut students additionally receive:
  • Airborne scientific imagery training flight using Piper aircraft
  • Additional webinars and supervised class project
NASA Astronaut Don Pettit lectures to IIAS AST 101 students about imaging noctilucent clouds from the International Space Station.
NASA Astronaut Don Pettit lectures to IIAS AST 101 students about imaging noctilucent clouds from the International Space Station.
PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Class 1601 shows that they have ‘The Right Stuff’ in the IIAS High-Altitude Facility.
PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Class 1601 shows that they have ‘The Right Stuff’ in the IIAS High-Altitude Facility.

Academic Topics Covered:

  • An Introduction to Atmospheric Science (2 hours). This class will cover the thermal structure, composition, and dynamics of the major regions of our atmosphere.
  • An Introduction to the Mesosphere (2 hours). This class will cover observables in the mesosphere (e.g. noctilucent clouds, red sprites, blue jets, meteoric dust, airglow), physical properties of the mesosphere, density profiles, temperature, ionization, chemistry, and dynamics of the mesosphere (e.g. winds, shear, instabilities, Gravity Waves and Kelvin Helmholtz Instabilities)
  • An Introduction to Global Climate (1 hour). This class will provide a survey of global climatology, focusing on how both natural and man-made changes to our atmosphere affect the global ecological system.
  • An Introduction to Noctilucent Cloud Science (1 hour). This class will provide a conceptual understanding of the largest observables in the mesosphere, noctilucent clouds. Categorization, structure, color, polarization, formation and evolution of NLCs will be covered as well as remote sensing techniques used to better understand properties of NLCs.
  • An Introduction to Atmospheric Scattering (1 hour). This class will cover the principles governing the various means in which solar radiation scatters in our atmosphere. Concepts behind Rayleigh, Mie, and geometric scattering will be covered.
  • Observing NLCs from Spacecraft (2 hours). This class uses principles of geometry, celestial mechanics and solar position calculations, and atmospheric scattering to provide an understanding of how PoSSUM missions are planned, including vehicle launch locations, attitude profiles, and launch-commit criteria.
  • PoSSUM Instrumentation (2 hours). This class will provide an introduction to suborbital cinematography, PoSSUMCam operations, and ground and airborne support of PoSSUM missions. Also, an introduction to space instrument design, test, and integration will be provided.
  • PoSSUM Mission Simulation A survey of the principles of mission simulation and operations are provided. Students then learn to fly suborbital PoSSUM missions as both the pilot and the scientist-astronaut in PoSSUMSim. Crew Resource Management (CRM) training in PoSSUM mission simulation provided by Project PoSSUM mission personnel and students will learn how to operate PoSSUM instrumentation in a real-time analog environment
  • An Introduction to Spaceflight Physiology (2 hours). This course provides a background on the physiological effects associated with spaceflight, including cardiovascular effects, orthoscopic hypotension, effects of acceleration, G-LOC, muscle structure and function, countermeasures, effects of spaceflight on neurovestibular system, and space motion sickness.
  • Physiological Effects of Spaceflight (1 hour flight). Suborbital missions will be simulated in aerobatic aircraft to familiarize the student with operations in a high-G environment. The student will also learn to mitigate G-induced blackouts through the use of specialized breathing techniques. Flights will be conducted in an Extra 300L aircraft.
  • Effects of Hypoxia (1.5 hours). An academic background on hypoxia is provided, including an understanding of the environment, respiration and effective performance time (EPT), decompression illness, and behavioral and physiological changes as a result of hypoxia.
  • Hypoxia Lab (4 hours) Hypoxia awareness training at altitudes equivalent to 25,000 feet is provided in the PoSSUM normobaric chamber. These skills are essential to the safe operation of spacesuits.
  • Space Life Support Systems (2 hours) Students learn the fundamentals of life support systems commonly found on manned spacecraft, including Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) and design trades associated with cabin pressure, temperature, humidity, oxygen concentration, CO2 concentration, containment of hazardous vapors and particulates, and ventilation systems.
  • An Introduction to Spacesuit Design and Operations (2 hours) Students will learn to don, doff, pressurize, perform safety checks, and conduct basic operations using a spacesuit.
  • Spacesuit Operations and Mission Simulation (4 hour lab) Students will extend upon their spacecraft and PoSSUM instrument operations skills to successfully conduct a simulated PoSSUM flight in confined environments that simulate actual missions.

Day 1: Academic Instruction and Simulator Operations


Objectives: To understand principles of the PoSSUM Program and gain a general understanding of the mesosphere, noctilucent cloud dynamics, observational methods and history, noctilucent cloud structures, aerospace physiology, and life support systems relevant to suborbital flight.


Topics: Overview of the PoSSUM program (1 hr), Science of the Mesosphere (1 hr), Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (1 hr), Basic Noctilucent Cloud Science (1 hr), PoSSUM Instrumentation Operations (1 hr), Imaging Noctilucent Clouds from Suborbital Spacecraft (1 hr), Imaging Noctilucent Clouds from the International Space Station (1 hr), Aerospace Physiology (1 hr), and Life Support Systems (1 hr)


Evening Seminar: PoSSUM Suborbital Simulator Operations

Instructors: Dr. Jason Reimuller, Dr. Erik Seedhouse

Day 2: Hypoxia Effects and PoSSUMCam Operations


1)  Overview of PoSSUM instrumentation and operational concepts, and operations of the PoSSUMCam system.

2)  To recognize off-nominal environments and your own physiological responses to contingency environments in a spacesuit.


Training Elements:

1)  Comprehensive training geared towards the effective use of the PoSSUMCam system and other PoSSUM instrumentation in a classroom environment.

2)  Hypoxia awareness training at altitudes equivalent to 25,000 feet in a high-altitude chamber at our Melbourne, Florida. Flight Operations Facility, capable of simulating space missions in hypoxic or hyperoxic environments.


Team Dinner: TBD

Instructors: Dr. Paul Buza, Chris Lundeen


Day 3: Space Suit Training and PoSSUM Mission Simulation

AST 101: Fundamentals of Astronautics


1) To don, doff, pressurize, and operate effectively in spacesuits while in confined environments that simulate actual missions.

2) To perform effective Crew Resource Management (CRM) techniques and procedural training in simulators designed specifically for Project PoSSUM and administered at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

3) To introduce Spacesuit Contingency Operations, including decompression, smoke and hazardous environments, post-landing scenarios, egress and sea survival systems, capsule egress fundamentals, and aircraft ejection systems

Training Elements:

1) Comprehensive training in mission-qualified space suits where you will learn to don and doff a spacesuit, pressurize a space suit, perform safety checks, conduct basic operations using a space suit, and be familiar with decompression and contingency operations.

2) Crew Resource Management training in PoSSUM mission simulation simulating actual noctilucent cloud research missions. Trainees will learn how to operate PoSSUM instrumentation in a real-time analog environment.

3) Scientific mission planning for airborne imagery exercise including solar mechanics and flight planning.

Evening Seminar: Airborne Imagery Flight Planning

Instructors: Chris Lundeen, Vincent Rubio, Ken Ernandes

Day 4: High-G (Ascent and Re-entry) Indoctrination, Airborne Imagery Operations.


1)  To perform optimally in a high-G environment, mitigating G-induced blackouts through the use of anti-G equipment and AGSM breathing techniques in an Extra 300L Aerobatic aircraft.

2)  To effectively operate camera systems and employ proper Crew Resource Management techniques in an airborne imagery training flight using a Piper Cherokee 6 aircraft (AST 101: Fundamentals of Astronautics students only).


Training Elements:

1) High-G and microgravity Space Physiology flight with use of mechanical countermeasures and breathing techniques to mitigate high-G ascent and re-entry environments using an Extra 300L aircraft. Indoctrination to high-G and changing-G environments analogous to suborbital spaceflight. Exposure to Gx, Gy, and Gz accelerations.

2) Execution of above maneuvers with student flying the aircraft using IIAS’s Extra 300 aerobatic aircraft.

3) Anti-G Garment training and introduction to Anti-G Breathing Maneuver (AGSM) training.

4) Use of servo-controlled camera systems on aircraft using IIAS’s Piper aircraft instrumented with a gyro-stabilized camera system.

5) Use of proper Crew Resource Management (CRM) and communications techniques in-flight.


Evening Film: ‘The Spacewalker’ (2017)

Airborn Tomography Training Flight

Day 5: Remedial Instruction and Evaluations


1) To introduce specialized topics pertaining to aeronomy and astronautics and to review and evaluate academic instruction administered through the previous four days.

2)  To complete all objectives which could not be completed in the previous days due to inclement weather or other contingencies.

3) Final Evaluation

Evening Seminar: Film: Sprites, Graduation

Instructors: Dr. Jason Reimuller, Astronaut Winston Scott

Aerobatic Group Picture

To Apply:

Successful completion of AST 101 includes certification as a PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Qualification Program Graduate or as an Advanced PoSSUM Academy graduate. Applications are considered two times per year. AST 101 qualifies the student to enroll in all IIAS graduate courses and certificate programs.


AST 101: Fundamentals of Astronautics

For Graduates and STEM Professionals

AST 101 (Fundamentals of Astronautics) is designed for established STEM professionals and educators. All nationalities are welcome to apply. Basic qualifications for AST 101 include:

• Current FAA Class III Flight Physical
• SCUBA Experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) field

Cost: $5500

Plus $250 for Customized PoSSUM Nomex Flight Suit

AST 101: Advanced PoSSUM Academy

For Undergraduate and General Education Students

Advanced PoSSUM Academy graduates are equivalently trained and qualified to participate in IIAS graduate specializations. Applicants MUST be at least 17 years of age. The program is designed for students currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university. Basic qualifications for the Advanced PoSSUM Academy include:

• Current FAA Class III Flight Physical
• SCUBA Experience
• Demonstrated academic success in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) field

Cost: $4500

plus $250 for Customized Nomex Flight Suit

© 2024 International Institute for Astronautical Sciences, a DBA of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization ‘Project PoSSUM, Inc.'